The Shifter Protector's Virgin Page 7
With trembling hands, she climbed onto Rhett’s back and held tightly to the thick black fur around his neck. When he was sure she was secure, he stood slowly and took off at a trot. It reminded her of when she was a child and she had gotten a pony ride, though it was really nothing like it at all. Soon, Rhett was running quickly through the forest, testing her ability to grip onto him without losing her balance.
Once she was comfortable on his back, she was surprised by how enjoyable it was. She felt as if she were flying through the air with nothing between herself and the rest of the earth except Rhett. She could have ridden the wolf for hours and couldn’t help but feel disappointed when it came time for her to dismount in front of the intimidating colosseum.
Gael felt a sharp burst of surprise and arousal when she turned back to Rhett after climbing off his back and found him standing before her, fully nude. He didn’t seem too embarrassed about it, he simply turned away from her and walked into the colosseum. By the time she managed to make her way inside behind him, he had already slipped on a pair of pants that had apparently been waiting for him.
“Welcome, Maiden,” Shenar said, bowing deeply at Gael when she stepped inside. Rhett stayed off to the side watching them both with dark, pensive eyes. “Please come to the center. We ae ready for you now.”
Gael’s stomach sank when she looked out toward the center of the arena. There were about twelve of the elders standing in a circle. Waiting for Shenar and Gael to join them. In the seats surrounding them sat a handful of hooded figures, none of which were showing any identifying features whatsoever. They all looked vaguely terrifying, and when she stepped into the field on her way toward the elders, a chilling wave of fear swept over her.
Somehow, Rhett seemed to sense this because he was suddenly between her and the elders, a deep growl in his throat. Shenar laughed.
“This is not surprising,” he said. “The wolf-shifters are diametrically opposed to bear-shifter magic.”
Something about it made Gael uneasy, but Rhett nodded.
“Yes. Anything this unfamiliar is considered dangerous. I have had this reaction before. You are safe, human.”
Gael swallowed, unsure of what to make of the whole situation. Although she had been starting to trust Rhett, she couldn’t help but wonder if maybe there wasn’t something strange about the whole situation.
Before she could think too deeply about it though, Shenar and another elder named Geven were tugging her forward, one on each side of her, toward a small pool of water behind the circle of elders.
“Come, human, you must go inside to be cleansed of all the sins of this world so that your soul is to be considered as pure as your body before the celebration can begin.”
Rhett was watching closely, and she tried to hold his gaze, but he was focused more on Shenar, whose face seemed sinister to her now just as it always did, no matter how kind he tried to make himself appear. The elders made her deeply uncomfortable, but that was the price of magic. Her father had already told her before that those who were able to walk in the ways of the ancient arts may have a severe quality about them; a sort of heaviness or darkness that most people were not accustomed to. She tried to brush her concern away, knowing that magic could simply change a person’s energy and approach to life, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not feel at ease.
Her comfort didn’t seem to matter though, and soon she found herself neck-deep in a cold pool of water. The elders stood around it and began chanting suddenly, a brief blessing that made her skin crawl. Or maybe it was just the coolness of the water soaking through her clothing; whatever it was though all she knew was that she couldn’t wait for the ritual to be done.
“All right, you may exit the pool now, human.”
Gael’s face blushed a furious red. Her gown was clinging to her body and all eyes turned to her as she climbed out of the water feeling very exposed. However, the elders were not looking at her for long. They headed back toward the center of the colosseum as Shenar and Geven led her along with them. She searched for Rhett in the crowd, for it was only he that made her feel safe. If anything strange happened she knew instinctively he would be there to protect her, no matter how strained their relationship might be.
When she caught Rhett’s eye, there was something intense about the way he was staring at her, as if he was doing his best to hold himself back from doing something she wasn’t sure she would want. It made her afraid in a way, but not in the same way that the elders made her afraid. This fear had more to do with the fact that when it came to Rhett, it wasn’t Rhett that she didn’t trust. It was herself.
The realization left her feeling utterly confused and alone, but soon those feelings were replaced by another wave of discomfort as the elders surrounded her and began to chant. Shenar disappeared from the circle and led Rhett just outside her reach and together, they were touched by each elder as the ceremony came to a close.
When it was over, Gael shivered and Rhett frowned.
“Aren’t you going to give her something to dry herself off with?”
Shenar looked startled, as if he hadn’t even considered doing such a thing and Gael’s stomach dropped. She was going to be freezing all the way home. Just her luck.
“We presumed it would be the Guardian’s job to see to the Maiden’s comfort.”
“That’s bullshit!” Rhett growled. Gael turned to him, her eyes wide. She had always heard the shifters were more aggressive just after a transformation, but she had never seen it for herself. Normally, Rhett would have just done anything the elders told him to do without any question. “You should have told me you were going to dunk her in a pit of water then! Especially if you weren’t going to hold yourselves accountable for her safety.”
“This is not a matter of safety as much as the human’s comfort,” Shenar said dismissively. “The Maiden will be fine.”
“Like hell,” Rhett snarled, tearing the white shawl off of Shenar and wrapping it around Gael. Her heart melted at the act, though she was too horrified by the brutish way it had happened for her to speak.
“Next time you want to do something so reckless, think of the human. She could get sick! Then you wouldn’t have a Maiden for the Harvest.”
Shenar didn’t speak, though the atmosphere in the colosseum turned dark and grim as the elders all turned their attention to Rhett and his outburst. Gael almost felt bad for having not had the willpower to keep herself from shivering. Maybe if she had been more stoic like Rhett was, none of this would be happening.
Rhett turned away, not seeming to care one wit what the elders did or thought of him. She was beginning to realize the wolf-shifters were single-minded and stubborn. It was their nature to speak their mind and do as they pleased, no matter who was in the way. Even the elders.
“Come on, Gael. Let’s get you somewhere warm as soon as possible. Someone here has to consider your well-being.”
And with that, another powerful transformation was occurring, and soon Gael was back on Rhett’s back, clinging to him as he wove his body through the forest and on the way back home.
When they arrived back at the house, Rhett shape-shifted and went inside quickly, trying to ignore the sensual heat that emanated from Gael’s body as she watched his naked form disappear inside. He wrapped a towel around his waist and sought out a thick blanket from the living room, then brought it out to Gael and ushered her inside. He couldn’t believe how careless the elders had been, leaving her to freeze like that. Bear and wolf-shifters may have a hearty constitution, but those who were mostly human were much more fragile. Why hadn’t they taken that into consideration?
“Come on,” Rhett said gruffly, wrapping the blanket around Gael’s shoulders and ushering her inside. “You should get in the shower. Make sure it’s warm but not too hot at first. You can warm it up more once you’re used to the temperature. That might help you to get those bones of yours warmed up.”
He could feel Gael’s slight body w
rapped up in his arms as he led her upstairs and the scent of her arousal nearly made him lose his mind. He wanted so badly to claim her officially, but there was no way he could let that happen. Whether the elders were inconsiderate or not, he was the Guardian and it was up to him to make sure she was safe, at all costs.
He stood outside the bathroom door, waiting until he was sure she was safe and comfortable before closing the door and sinking down on the floor against the wall. He wanted to do anything possible to protect her, but maybe he had gone too far with the elders. They might stop wanting him to be the Guardian and strip him from his position. That would mean that his honor would be lost and he would have to leave again, only to be exiled from two places he had tried to make his home.
The thought was disconcerting and he stood now, prowling up and down the hall as he listened to the girl shower. The wolf within him was alert for any sign she might still be feeling the spark of arousal that he had been unable to ignore within her all day long. The wolf was great at sniffing that out, and the thought that she wanted him nearly as much as he wanted her only encouraged the beast within him.
Finally, he heard the water in the shower turn off and Gael emerged, her body glistening and wet, just barely concealed behind a fluffy white towel. She looked more radiant than he had ever seen her and he nearly gripped her right then and there to show her just how serious he was about his claim.
But he had to walk ahead of her, tear his eyes away, and fight the wolf with all his might. She was a virgin, for God’s sake... a virgin who needed to remain a virgin. He had already fucked enough things up today with the elders, the last thing they needed to find was that he had taken her back to the one place she was supposed to be safe and desecrated her right after they had cleansed her of any earthly impurities she might have, though Rhett found it difficult to believe she might have any. In his eyes, she was damn near perfect. A little bossy maybe, and kind of sarcastic, but he wouldn’t have her any other way.
No. he wouldn’t have her at all. Period. She was his to protect, not to desecrate. There would be no fun for the wolf tonight. He would see to it that she made it safely and into some warm pajamas and then her bed, and then they would take it from there.
“Thank you.”
Rhett was startled out of his agonizing thoughts by the gentle, sweet voice of the Maiden and he turned to her, his eyes wild and confused.
“For what?” he asked, his mouth dry. He didn’t deserve any thanks for his thoughts. The wolf was driving him forward toward would could ultimately result in being one of the biggest mistakes of his life.
“For the shawl… for everything,” Gael said softly. “You just actually had my back out there, and I appreciate it. Those guys are taking this whole thing a little far. It’s kind of weird.”
Rhett nodded, but had to turn away again as the wolf paced tirelessly within him. Gael was still naked under that towel. One little movement could bare her totally before him, and then he could show her just what it was she was thanking him for. Chances were high that she would stop being grateful then. His thoughts toward her were impure. And whether she took her role as the maiden seriously or not, the fact was, she was pure, and taking that away from her was something he would never be willing to do. Not unless…
“It’s not a problem. They shouldn’t have done that to you, is all. Don’t mention it.”
He said this without looking at her, eager for her to go into the room and retrieve her pajamas. He wouldn’t be able to hold himself back for much longer. She needed to get herself decent and go to bed. Now.
“Yeah. Well, thank you anyway. I just want you to know it means a lot to me.”
The wolf was pacing restlessly within him. One more second out in that hallway together and he wasn’t sure what might happen. When she finally disappeared into the bedroom he let out a long, low sigh of relief. That had been close.
Rhett could tell when it was safe to enter because the out of control energy, confused and sexual and angsty that the human was emitting started to calm down. He could imagine her gifting her body with warm, luxurious clothes and enveloping herself within the comfort of her sheets and blankets. Although he knew she was feeling a little bit more balanced and in control of herself, he waited for her to let him know she was ready. It had been an odd day, after all, and he didn’t want to intrude. A little time apart would probably do them both some good. He knew the wolf needed it.
But there would be no cold showers for him tonight. No, he was going to stay up with her, because the wolf was hell bent on guarding her. Whether it was from the dangers of men in pursuit of her purity, or from the elders who put her comfort and health at risk by callously dumping her in the water without so much as a towel, he would protect her with his life, if needed.
“You can come in now,” Gael’s gentle voice finally said. Rhett took a deep breath. With any luck, they would soon both be asleep and be able to put this day behind them.
“I don’t expect you to do everything by the book, young man. This is, of course, just for show more than anything. While the meanings and traditions are valuable, there is no reason why I would be angry at you for what happened at the ritual.”
Shenar smiled at Rhett, who was baffled by the elder’s seeming acceptance of his misdeeds. He had been livid toward them. Why weren’t they going to punish him?
“I still feel badly about it, so please accept my apologies. It wasn’t my intention to be so out of line.”
“Oh, Rhett. You had just undergone a transformation. If anything, it proved to us that we chose the right man. You are a man who takes his duty as a Guardian very seriously. You are very invested in the safety and comfort of the Maiden. It shows great strength of character.”
“Well, I think it showed great capability to be an asshole,” Rhett said, looking down at the ground. “I appreciate your understanding.”
Shenar beamed, and they sat in silence a few moments, listening to the elders instructing the human with great animation how she was to greet the crowds that were going to watch her ride by on Rhett’s back as they brought her to the colosseum to conduct the ceremony. None of the townspeople were to actually enter the place. They would stand at the side of the road and watch her ride by, along with a brief parade put on by the elders. It was a great to do, and everybody was very excited. The day was quickly approaching.
“We know much about your past, Rhett. We want you to know we believe greatly in second chances. There will be a moment during the ceremony where we will extend our hands to you in the hopes that you may be able to take on a great role of power and leadership in the community here. You have more than earned it. We know how trying it can be to share such an intimate space with quite an attractive female…”
Rhett froze up, trying to suppress the huge surge of emotions that arose within him at the thought of Gael and what he had seen of her body. He was grateful that nothing more had happened than that, and yet the wolf was remaining extremely vexed. Nothing would satisfy it. Nothing but Gael.
“I am duty-bound to protect her,” Rhett said, having a hard time believing his own words with the wolf afoot, “and I am honored to be taking place in the ceremony and considered for such a position of influence. You have my deepest gratitude.”
“We know you won’t let us down,” Shenar said, smiling brightly. “Ah, here comes the Maiden now! Are you all set, my dear?”
Gael sidestepped Shenar’s outstretched hand and Rhett nearly laughed out loud at the displeasure on the old man’s face. Rhett couldn’t blame Gael for not wanting to be touched, especially not after what had happened the night before. If he were a young woman spending all this time with these intimidating old men, he would put his barriers up too.
“Yes, I’m ready to go,” Gael said, stepping behind Rhett and peering out at Shenar from over his shoulder.
“Then we should get out of here,” Rhett said.
“Good,” Gael said quietly. “I’m hungry.”r />
Shenar laughed a little too forcefully and Rhett could feel her tense up behind him.
“Take care, Shenar. We will see you tomorrow.”
“Yes,” Shenar said. “That you will. Take care.”
Rhett turned away, his mind spinning. Gael didn’t trust the elders after what had happened and in a way, he was starting not to trust them either. Was it possible what Axel had told him about them was true?
He shook the thought away. It couldn’t be possible. No, he had to try to keep the faith. There was no way he was going to betray the elders now, not when he was so close to finally having everything he had always wanted: Stability. Recognition. A pack that truly accepted him for who he was. There was nothing that would stand in his way now, and the wolf would see to that.
“Gael, wake up,” Rhett’s deep voice whispered so close to her ear that her body was immediately on fire. She moaned, more from arousal than from being roused from sleep and opened her eyes, fixing them on Rhett’s darkly handsome form. He was leaning over her, so close she could smell the rugged, outdoorsy aroma of his body. It nearly drove her mad.
“Why?” she whispered, wishing there was a way to sink further into her mattress and avoid this man and these unwanted feelings for him.
“The elders are demanding you go for one more recital. The ceremony is at three AM tomorrow and we have to be prepared.”
“Do I have to?” Gael moaned, sitting up. The mention of the elders was enough to quell any thoughts of arousal that might’ve sprung up in her mind. The last thing she wanted was to hear more of their obnoxious rules and have them poking and prodding and measuring her. It seemed like they took any excuse possible to touch her and it made her uncomfortable. “I really hate this stuff.”
“Well, it will be over soon. Like, tomorrow,” Rhett said with a soft chuckle. Her body was once again awakened by the lilt of his voice and she looked into his brown eyes with a soft sigh.